St. John's Anglican Church Leadership

Jared was born and raised in Loganville, GA. He is married to Sarah, the love of his life, and is father to Joel. He was called to be the 4th Rector of St John’s in 2024. Previously, Jared served as Curate at All Saints (Springfield, MO) and as Deacon at Christ the King (Birmingham, AL). He studied Biblical Studies and Apologetics at Luther Rice College and Divinity at Beeson Divinity School. Jared enjoys reading, being outdoors, and playing bluegrass music.

Rev. Jared Willett, Rector

David Snell, Senior Warden

Lou Chase, Junior Warden

Lou Chase, Altar Guild

Beth Cameron, Pastoral Care

Alice Davidson, Prayer Shawl Ministry

The Vestry

The Vestry consists of eight elected representatives from the Parish along with the Rector, the Senior Warden, the Clerk of the Vestry, and the Treasurer.  Each Vestry member is elected for a three year term and serves to work with the Rector and the Staff for the success of the ministry.  The Vestry is elected at the Annual Congregational Meeting. The Vestry is the final authority for the business of St. John’s, as it manages all the temporal affairs, property and other business of the Church, including finances.  Further, the Vestry provides counsel, support and guidance for the ministries and membership of the Church.

Current Vestry

David Snell
Senior Warden

Lou Chase
Junior Warden

Mary Marshall


Clerk of Vestry

Brady Fowler



William Rambo



Peter Banse

Anne Peagler

Jeff Joiner

Jan Hobgood